Some dental concerns require immediate attention from a qualified dentist in order to preserve your health. In these situations, Fennell, Yoxthimer, and Associates, DDS is available to see our dental patients in cases of emergency.
What is Considered a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency is any dental problem that is best treated by urgent or immediate dental care. In some cases, scheduling an emergency appointment is the best or only way to save the affected tooth or teeth. Some examples of dental emergencies include:
- Severe pain of the teeth or gums
- Bleeding in the teeth, gums, or other soft tissues of the mouth
- Lost/knocked out tooth
- Cracked or chipped tooth, particularly those that cause pain or swelling
- Loose teeth in adults, even without pain present
- An abscess or infection, which may present as swelling or lumps through the gums or face
In some cases, such as severe infections, these dental emergencies can be life-threatening and must be treated immediately. If you are unable to reach Fennell, Yoxthimer, and Associates, DDS, you may need to seek treatment from an emergency room.
What is Not a Dental Emergency?
Some cases that appear to be dental emergencies can wait to be treated within a few days. For example, chipped or cracked teeth are only considered emergencies if you are in severe pain or if fragments or the teeth are causing other damage to your teeth, gums, or other soft tissues. Similarly, infections may not be an emergency if you are not in severe pain or if you do not have swelling or bumps through your gums or face. If you are unsure whether your concern is an emergency or not, call our staff and they will assist you in determining the proper dental care plan for you.
Call Fennell, Yoxthimer, and Associates, DDS
To schedule an appointment for emergency or non-emergency dental care, call Fennell, Yoxthimer, and Associates, DDS at (513) 631-6600. For non-emergencies, you may also request your appointment online. If you are unable to reach us and have a dental emergency, please seek care with your local emergency room or urgent care center.